Increasing Food Quality,
With Biodiversity

3D House Viewer

Our Goals


Increase your farm’s productivity

We've come to the conclusion that there is a possibility to increase a farm's productivity without compromising the sustainability of the planet.

With that said, our innovative smart home for polinators allows them to live safely, while providing you, the farm owner a way to increase the polination of your trees, which will result in an increase in production.



Provide other solutions from around the globe

Our solution allows us, to collect massive amounts of data from different climates, farms and trees.
We're commited to explore the unkown patterns about farms, so that whoever uses our product, gets a better insight into their farm.

Our software will study and learn with each farm in order to provide an accurate response to the best strategies to take. As we've said, we'll provide the best solution based on your location, climate, land size, etc


Our testings

Most contemporary problems such as this one require cutting edge technology. As we the size of our company grows, the complication of our data sets will increase as well.

We'll use Machine Learning in order to not only anazlyze the data, but also to predict the best type of polinators for a specific a type of climate, soil, and orchard.

Information Summary


Financial Previsions

In order to reward our first customers, we'll sell the first 1000 houses at production cost. This also enables us to spread an exorbitant amount of houses right away to start collect data as soon as possible.


House architecture


Take advantage of nature's best producers